owner/tenant forms |

Welcome Letter to Lafayette Owners and Tenants
Enclosed you will find the following forms that will need completion and return to the office prior to moving into the building.
Download Welcome Letter PDF
Lafayette Owner and Tenant Registration
All resident owners and tenants moving into the Lafayette are required to provide the
requested information. If sharing a unit, each person must complete a form.
Download Registration Form PDF
Lafayette Rules & Regulations
As condominium residents, we at the Lafayette enjoy the many advantages of community
living in a quality development. In exchange for these benefits we must adjust our activities in consideration for our
Download Rules & Regulations PDF
Email Statement Authorization Agreement
Get monthly statement sent via email. Save paper, time and the environment!
Download Statement Authorization PDF |
Long Beach Application for Certificate of Appropriateness
The Cultural Heritage Commission is responsible for review of all exterior physical changes to designated historic landmarks and properties in historic districts, whether or not a building permit is required. Please use the attached application form to describe your project.
Download Certificate of Appropriateness Application PDF
Lafayette Gym Waiver
Lafayette has a gym with cardio and resistance machines as well as free weights. You need to sign a waiver before you can access the gym.
Download Gym Waiver PDF
Lafayette Solarium Reservation
The Solarium is on the 11th floor of the Campbell building and is available for events. It is limited to owners and tenants of the Lafayette and needs to be reserved in advance. A deposit is required.
Download Solarium Reservation PDF
Lafayette Committee Interest Form
To be on a committee you need to be a Homeowner in good standing, have ample time to commit, and skills, expertise or something relevant to bring to the table that can further the aim of the committee.
Download Committee Interest PDF
Lafayette Plumbing Maintenance Tips
As you know, living in a historic high rise can be wonderful, but given the age of our building we have to adapt to the building and its older plumbing. Below are some handy Lafayette plumbing tips.
Download Plumbing Tips PDF
Lafayette Homeowners Association Complaint Form
This is the Lafayette HOA Board of Directors official process for complaints to be addressed. All complaints will be confidential and timely handled.
Download Complaint Form PDF